Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Child Sex Trafficking!!

I could not believe what I saw today on "The Oprah Show". I've known for quite some time now that such horrible acts are going on around the Globe,I just had no idea how serious and out of hand it has gotten!! To think that most of these men are "people of God" and other respected taxpayers and members of society. My heart was crushed!! I knew of one family,when growing up, where the father abused her daughter all the way until adulthood. The fact that my culture prevents anything sexual to be discussed openly also worked against the victim but in favor of the abuser. It never occured to anyone that such acts violently affects a young person's mind irreparably since no one has ever come out and speak out.
I sent a letter to friends and family asking them to sign a petition that will be forwarded to our MPs and other members of government to try and fight those horrible acts being inflicted on children here and overseas.

1 comment:

Deep Fried said...

There was a great article about this in the New York Times Magazine a couple of years ago. It was amazing and really woke me up the the child sex trafficking situation. I cna't remember when the article came out, but I'm glad that the issue is getting much more attention.