A blog is nothing but an online diary.
A diary is nothing but a personal journal.
A journal is nothing but a tale of one's life journey.
Hop on and let's journey together.
Anita Kuuku...She's just the down to earth-est, sweetest and coolest girl on the planet. Yeah and of course being my sister in law for ever and ever helps it too! LOL I love you babe.
Photography: By definition the word itself means: "The art or process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces."
-I have always been a fan of this black and white art. Especially if it involves naked bodies or shots of beautiful landscapes. I found these on some website and decided to post them here. You know...Just for me...I find them beautiful. I hope whoever else sees them will,too!!
I am an African Canadian student in Political Science at York University in Toronto, Ontario. I'm a simple, humble and fun to be around, human being. I also happen to be gay, if my posts are any indication. I'm currently venturing into the "writing" field and as any self-proclaimed social activist would, I'm currently taking a course on Critical Thinking to help me with producing well structured and convincing arguments. I welcome anyone with valuable input to drop me a line as my contact info is provided on this page. Merçi d'avance!