For a long time, the Bible has been considered by Christians of all creeds to be the one book if ever, that God has inspired humankind with. There has been controversies after controversies and conspiracies after conspiracies as to who really wrote the Bible and what adjustments if any, have been made over the centuries by authorities. The latter have always been adamant that the scriptures are the closest they can get to the original books the Bible was flocked from.
And now Africa, the continent that has been, time and again until modern day, been subjugated by tyrants and invaders of all sorts in the name of all that is holly, gets her own version. How ironic.
It's not the actual Bible written in some african language. God knows there are enough of those. It's just a "sellection" of commentaries made by some "experts". I grew up reading the Bible in my native language so I know there are at least hundreds of other bibles from all corners of the continent. It's actually called The Africa Bible Commentary and its purpose is to explain the Bible from an "African point of view" or "African perspective", whatever that might be. It uses African folklore, proverbs, songs and illustrations since it was put together by some 70 theologians from 25 countries and 250 different cultural groups.
The editor Tokunboh Adeyemo says that since Paul's writings were inspired by local hebraic customs and similarly should african customs be taken into account when teaching the scriptures to the locals. He says that it's "
a weaving of word of the Bible and the word of Africa."
What is actually interesting is that most african nations still hold onto their old animistic beliefs and still fuse them with whatever Abrahamic religion they've adopted. I've seen it first hand in my paternal grandma's house when I was growing up. And as much as it didn't mean much to me because I was still young, I saw how much fervour and passion they put into it.
Although I am an atheist now, I understand the need for them to have those spiritual rites.
I have my own personal beef with Abrahamic belief's impact on African societies but that's a whole different show.